About Us

Our team works hard to bring you the top quality advertising publication our readers and advertisers have come to expect!


The Freeborn County Shopper began serving the city of Albert Lea and a large share of Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa in 1974. Originally it was called the Showcase Shopper.

The Showcase Shopper was renamed the “Freeborn County Shopper” in March of 1977 following its acquisition by Shopper Enterprises. In August of 1995 the Freeborn County Shopper along with its sister shopper in Austin Minnesota (The Mower County Shopper) was purchased by Boone Newspapers. The two separate facilities now comprise the company known as “Southern Minnesota Shoppers Inc.”

Throughout the years the Freeborn County Shopper has always made a strong commitment to providing the highest quality service to our advertisers and readers. We believe in producing a top quality advertising publication that serves as the primary advertising source in Freeborn County on a weekly basis.